WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HUB, SWITCH AND ROUTER? 1. Defining a Hub - A hub, sometimes referred to as a network hub, is a device designed to connect multiple devices to a single network. It serves as a common connection point and is considered a physical layer network device. Its main function is to link several Local Area Networks (LANs) together. I s not considered a smart device as it forwards any data it receives on one connection to all other connections. A single network is required to connect a hub. A hub is less costly compared to a switch and a router. 2. Defining a Switch A switch is a network device that enables several devices to link together within a computer network. This device functions using a data link layer for connection. The primary method of data transmission used by a switch is packet switching, which allows data packets to be disseminated across the internet. A switch operates based on MAC addresses. A smart ...