1. Defining a Hub
- A hub, sometimes referred to as a network hub, is a device designed to connect multiple devices to a single network. It serves as a common connection point and is considered a physical layer network device. Its main function is to link several Local Area Networks (LANs) together. Is not considered a smart device as it forwards any data it receives on one connection to all other connections. A single network is required to connect a hub. A hub is less costly compared to a switch and a router.
2. Defining a Switch
A switch is a network device that enables several devices to link together within a computer network. This device functions using a data link layer for connection. The primary method of data transmission used by a switch is packet switching, which allows data packets to be disseminated across the internet. A switch operates based on MAC addresses. A smart device that sends messages to specific devices by scanning their addresses. A switch is more expensive than a hub.
3. Defining a Router
A router is a networking device that serves as a bridge between two or more packet-switched networks. Apart from directing data traffic between networks, a router also enables multiple devices to share a single internet connection. It does this by routing data packets between the networks. Operates based on IP addresses and are essentially miniature computers that perform various intelligent tasks, including creating address tables to aid in routing decisions.
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